Wednesday, December 3, 2008

One nights dream

As i slide down the milky way and land upon every star, i stand head up high and raise my silent flag, i can feel the deafining silence killing me from deep inside...But what shall i do but pray with a humble voice and a lonely tear, a soul full of faith and a heart full of fear...Will i find a reply? will i meet a messanger? the truth is hiding up high waiting for a new challenger... I can see them twinkle as i float away, i can see them there ready to pray...Where am i heading? up high or deep down.. where ami heading? to the land of heaven on earth or the land of heaven up high...Mother im lost between the seven skies... forgive me so i can survive..forgive me so i can survive.

1 comment:

Mooooodi said...

wherever u r heading u can find the heaven u r looking for. look for the good things, look for the beauty in simple things, search for the full half of the cup, smile...