Faces... my god how beautiful and magnificent faces can be.
Millions of faces, not one looks like the other, each face carries a story a past present and future, a million chapters... a million moments came across and left there mark on that skin and complexion.
A face carries time.

A face is history.
It is a crystal ball from which u can read the future.

A face, my god its a bless, its the gate to ones world... i want to know someone i shall look at his face directly into his eyes, and stay there for as long as possible.. its amazing what u will find hidden inside... but only if u look long enough... if u just look long enough, u could win the hearts of a nation!
That was.. I dunno
When I was young I used to look at my face in the mirror everyday and wonder why I'm so ugly. I don't do that now, but I think I still have the same deep-rooted conviction. It's also very hard to look at people's eyes, and to keep looking.
I wish there was an eye reader like you described, something or someone that looks me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong, and tell me what's there that I don't understand deep inside, and that I'd believe what I hear.
if u dont look into peoples eyes then ur missing out on alot my friend belive me!
u know doing that might seem a little scary or wierd... but when u do it beliving that its totally ur right it gives u such power i cannot describe somthing so overwhelming, its a different world ppls eyes, so look in them with comfort take ur time digging inside and relax. :)
because in the end were fellow beings with our weakneses pains and sorrows these r the invisible things that truly unite us and make us one, when u grow aware of that u start seeing things differently.
im enjoying your comments they too r making my day!
God bless ur heart.
omg you're making my 2nd day on a row! I really think we should have coffee or something, and then I'll promise I'll do my best to keep my eyes fixed in yours! I'd love to chess your cousin too! and omg it would look way too strage! I've never seen anyone playin chess in a cafe before, american one I mean!
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