This is something i heard years ago in the very first entefada, on "El manar channel", i recorded it and stared writing it down on paper...
it feels bad bringing it out again, and actually typing it down using as for it really goes all so fine with the current events... no difference the same shit on and on...
it really caught my heart the very first time i heard it, it still does... it goes like follows...
"For those who believe in humanity... for those who believe in liberty and those that still have some sanity!
Its a message of truth from starting point till infinity... an innocent child is calling, yes he is calling.. cries of agony!
The world still watching, strangers raped his land, destroyed his home soil and sand, burnt his house along with the green so flowers cant grow.
In the land of Palestine a child is calling, yes he is calling... Cries of agony!
Where as we will never surrender, revolution of truth is our aim.
The stone that i throw holds my name...
For this dear Palestine you'll be free from all this shame, this evil filth that occupies my sacred land has come to an end, look how frightened they are!!!
Just look how frightened they are! and how we are filled with rage...
Imagine what they fear.
What they fear is the truth.. the heart.. the soul that we hold.
Dear Palestine your roses will grow again...
Al Quds is ours!
Its soil has spoke, yes, the soil has spoken the words of God above - it will be free for the time has come...
Behold my innocent child.. the stone that holds my name heard you cry!"